
In cooperation with all locations and cooperation partners, the following documents have been created as a common consensus:

Recommendations regarding access procedures and user access rules at German ultra-high-field sites

Approval of subjects for measurements at ultra-high-field MRI


The following scientific articles have been published as part of the GUFI quality assurance:

Gratz M, Völker M, Johst S, Ladd ME, Quick HH. Semi-automatic quantification of long-term stability and image quality of a parallel transmit system at 7T. 2015; Toronto. Proc. of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. p 2495.

Voelker MN, Kraff O, Brenner D, Wollrab A, Stöcker T, Norris DG, Ladd ME, Speck O. The traveling heads: Initial comparisons of multicenter data on 7 Tesla MRI systems. 2015; Toronto. Proc. of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. p 3202.

Voelker MN, Kraff O, Brenner D, Wollrab A, Weinberger O, Berger MC, Robinson S, Bogner W, Wiggins C, Trampel R, Stöcker T, Niendorf T, Quick HH, Norris DG, Ladd ME, Speck O. The traveling heads: multicenter brain imaging at 7 Tesla. MAGMA 2016: doi: 10.1007/s10334-10016-10541-10338.

Voelker MN, Kraff O, Brenner D, Wollrab A, Weinberger O, Robinson S, Bogner W, Wiggins C, Trampel R, Stöcker T, Niendorf T, Quick HH, Norris DG, Ladd ME, Speck O. The traveling heads: Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of multicenter brain imaging at 7 Tesla. 2016; Singapore. Proc. of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. p 3529.

Voelker MN, Brenner D, Flöser M, Gratz M, Johst S, Orzada S, Stöcker T, Quick HH, Ladd ME, Kraff O. On the robustness and reproducibility of spatially selective excitation using parallel transmission at 7T – a multicenter study. 2016; Singapore. Proc. of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. p 3546.

Maximilian N. Voelker, Oliver Kraff, Steffen Goerke, Frederik B. Laun, Jannis Hanspach, Kerrin J. Pine, Philipp Ehses f , Moritz Zaiss, Andrzej Liebert, Sina Straub, Korbinian Eckstein, Simon Robinson, Armin N. Nagel, Maria R. Stefanescu, Astrid Wollrab, Sabrina Klix, Jörg Felder, Michael Hock, Dario Bosch, Nikolaus Weiskopf, Oliver Speck, Mark E. Ladd, Harald H. Quick. The traveling heads 2.0: Multicenter reproducibility of quantitative imaging methods at 7 Tesla, NeuroImage 232 (2021) 117910


Scientific papers related to GUFI:

Thoralf Niendorf, PhD; Jeanette Schulz-Menger, MD; Katharina Paul, PhD; Till Huelnhagen, Dipl Ing; Victor A. Ferrari, MD, PhD; Russell Hodge, MA; A Case for Ultrahigh Field Cardiac Magnetic Resonance; Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2017;10: doi: 10.1161/CIRCIMAGING.116.005460